Tens of Millions in Brain Injury Settlements and Verdicts Won by Your Hometown Brain Injury Lawyer in Melbourne FL

The Best Brain Injury Lawyer in Melbourne FL

Need a brain injury lawyer in Florida? We've helped clients win over $1 Billion dollars in settlements and verdicts. Call today for your free consultation!
Best in his field! Would highly recommend him and his firm.
- Maria
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Excellent! Staff and attorneys are great. Informative and helpful. Always quick to get back if any questions. Highly recommended.
- April

The Best Brain Injury Lawyer in Melbourne FL

Tens of Millions in Brain Injury Settlements and Verdicts Won by Your Hometown Brain Injury Lawyer in Melbourne FL
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Consistent 5-Star Reviews for Personal Injury Attorney in Melbourne, FloridaConsistent 5-Star Reviews for Personal Injury Attorney in Melbourne, FloridaConsistent 5-Star Reviews for Personal Injury Attorney in Melbourne, FloridaConsistent 5-Star Reviews for Personal Injury Attorney in Melbourne, FloridaConsistent 5-Star Reviews for Personal Injury Attorney in Melbourne, Florida
Best in his field! Would highly recommend him and his firm.
- Maria

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Brain Injury Lawyer - Melbourne, FL

$28.5 Million Dollars in a single brain injury verdict

Brain damage changes a person. When a head injury takes place, there are serious consequences to how someone will think, feel and act for the rest of their life.

Here at Douglas R. Beam P.A., we have spent over 30 years representing individuals who have suffered brain damage. Our traumatic brain injury lawyers have helped our clients recover over $1 Billion Dollars in settlements and verdicts. Our success in brain injury lawsuits has led to a record-breaking verdict of $28.5 Million Dollars in a single case. We've been placed as one of the Top 100 National Trial Lawyers. Additionally, our clients receive 3x more than what they're offered before we're hired.

Doing some research on a traumatic brain injury lawsuit? Interested in seeing your legal options? Call us at (321) 723-6591 for a completely free consultation.


Award-Winning Lawyers

Nationally Recognized for Brain Injury Lawsuits

Few law firms have had the success we have had in traumatic brain injury lawsuits. Our personal injury law firm has become known for representing head injury victims. We've taken on the world’s largest insurance companies and recovered over $1 Billion Dollars in settlements and verdicts. Our team has experience, connections and a history of success in traumatic brain injury lawsuits. Douglas R. Beam P.A. has scored huge verdicts with our founder, Doug Beam, winning multi-million dollar verdicts regularly. Our managing attorney, Riley Beam, won $28.5 Million dollars in his traumatic brain injury lawsuit.

We have a reputation as one of the best personal injury law firms in Melbourne, Brevard County, and Central Florida. It comes from the trust of our community. We’ve grown because of our results and how we treat our clients. If you’re looking for an experienced traumatic brain injury attorney, give us a call. It’s always free and always fast.

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“Great people and for their community. Hands down the best attorneys I've met (and I've known more than a dozen in my day), and really go above and beyond for their clients. Riley Beam is such a kind person yet will fight for you tooth and nail, and he's a fantastic trial lawyer-one of the best. Douglas Beam has so much experience and clout that he trumps any opposing counsel you'll likely ever find, yet he still fights like an upcoming attorney with unparalleled negotiating skills.  Together with the hardest working and very pragmatic paralegal Joann they make one heck of a team, and apart from what they did for me I'm happy to have ever had the chance to see them at work. Not often in this world do the words altruistic and law firm go together but in this case it applies completely. “

- Jack R.

5 out of 5 stars Google Review

Record-Breaking Verdict of $28,500,000 Awarded in Traumatic Brain Injury Case

A 43-year-old computer engineer with top secret government clearance suffered brain damage after being struck by the General Sales Manager of the Imported Car Store in Melbourne, Florida. His injuries resulted in incredible medical bills, loss of work, and a changed life. A jury awarded our client and his family $28,500,000.
Frequently Asked Questions

Do I Need a Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyer?

Did you know that traumatic brain injury related emergency department visits, hospitalizations, and deaths in the U.S. increased by 53% between 2006 and 2014?

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), there were an average of 155 deaths per day from serious injury related to brain damage. Hold that up to the 90 people who die per day from car accidents. You’ll see that head injury related deaths are nearly double that of car accidents.

Few people know how common and how devastating serious brain injuries can be. The effects of a traumatic brain injury (TBI) can be permanent and cause lifelong health consequences and medical bills. The incident that caused your TBI can change your life in profound ways. Many victims of head injury may be surprised to know that they have legal options for compensation. The person responsible for serious brain injuries, and their insurance company, are required to uphold certain duties to the victims.

Every day, we are shocked to find how little insurance companies want to offer surviving families of wrongful death. On average, we find that insurance undervalues injury claims by 2 to 100 times what we get for our client. It’s a broad spectrum, but it proves a point.

Most people don’t understand how badly insurance is setting them up for the future.

Hire a Brain Injury Lawyer in Melbourne FL

Few can understand how devastating a head injury can be. What can appear to be a minor injury can turn out to be a severe TBI that has enormous financial, emotional, and physical costs. To make matters worse, insurance is known for fighting traumatic brain injury lawsuits tooth and nail. When it is time for insurance companies to fulfill their duty to the victims of serious brain injuries, they are often more focused on revenue than helping.

The top insurance companies made over $300,000,000,000 in 2019 by paying out claims that were favorable to them. Great traumatic brain injury lawyers know the tricks of the insurance companies. At Douglas R. Beam P.A. our traumatic brain injury lawyers have brought in over $1,000,000,000 in settlements and verdicts. We've helped our clients, on average, receive 3x what they’re offered before our firm is hired.

If you or a loved one has suffered a head injury, you should speak with a Melbourne, Florida traumatic brain injury lawyer. Do this as quickly as possible. Once serious brain injuries take place, insurance begins working to make sure they pay you the least amount of money possible. Are you experiencing pain and suffering from a head injury and are curious about what legal action you can take? Contact us for a free consultation!

How To Choose a Brain Injury Lawyer?

Find out these three things before choosing a traumatic brain injury lawyer.


Find a traumatic brain injury attorney who has a history of winning traumatic brain injury lawsuits. An experienced traumatic brain injury lawyer will understand the incident, your injuries, and what the head injury has caused in your life. Additionally, the right traumatic brain injury attorney will understand your medical needs and get you the compensation you deserve.


Good traumatic brain injury lawyers bet on themselves. The way they do that is through contingency fees. All that means is that you don’t pay any money up front. Standard contingency fees are 33.33% of whatever is rewarded.


‍The best law firms are ready and willing to go to trial, yet the majority of cases in great personal injury law firms settle. Why? Because insurance is terrified of going to court against great traumatic brain injury lawyers. Trials are expensive and time-consuming. Insurance companies fear traumatic brain injury lawyers that have the resources, experience, and know-how to beat them soundly in court.

In a perfect world, when serious brain injuries happen, we should be able to trust insurance companies to help us. Unfortunately, most insurance companies make their money by underpaying head injury victims. A victim of a serious brain injury needs an expert traumatic brain injury lawyer. The personal injury attorney will know how to deal with insurance companies so that they fulfill their obligations. The traumatic brain injury lawyers at Douglas R. Beam P.A. can evaluate the brain injury claims during the initial consultation. We'll map out a plan that details how you can get the compensation you deserve as a result of your serious brain injuries.

How Much is My Brain Injury Worth?

Serious brain injuries normally settle for between $85,000 and $3,000,000.

Here in Melbourne, Florida, Douglas R. Beam P.A. has had a $28,500,000 verdict in a single trial.

Why the different outcomes? It all depends upon your traumatic brain injury lawyer and your damages.

Damages is the term used in the insurance industry to understand what the insurance company needs to pay for. Damages could be anything from repairs from a car accident to brain damage from a head injury. The costs of hospitalization, medical treatment, and physical therapy are all typical types of TBI damages. How much money insurance pays out is dependent upon the damages.

Normally, when people interact with insurance companies, they do not know how to calculate, document and prove the damages around a head injury. The consequences of brain damage can often appear out of nowhere and require a good personal injury law firm to help you identify common patterns.

When you enter a brain injury lawsuit, you are telling an insurance company that they owe more than what they are offering. How much you get all depends upon the damages you or your personal injury attorney can prove.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Do You Say to Someone Who Has a Brain Injury?

Serious brain injuries are impactful in ways that few of us can understand. TBI can cause changes to mood, affect, and memory. Someone we knew as caring, warm, and inviting may turn to be harsh, cruel, and closed off when they suffer a head injury. This sort of flip in personality is typical when brain damage occurs. This can be devastating for family and friends.

It can be tricky to learn how to communicate best with someone who is suffering brain injury symptoms. It is important to remember that you are dealing with a loved one in a new stage of life. Who they were before their head injury and who they are after can vary wildly.

The most important things that you can communicate to someone who has suffered serious brain injuries is empathy, understanding, and consistency. Their world has changed more than yours, and this shift in your relationship may cause strain personally. We find that it is helpful to say the following:


Let your loved one know and show them through your actions that you are going to be there for them.


Brain damage can make it difficult to remember certain things that were once incredibly familiar. Certain memories may be erased, and certain common words may be out of reach. Let your loved one know that you are willing to be patient as they adjust.


In some circumstances, brain damage can result in individuals having difficulty controlling impulses. You may find a loved one acting out in sexual, aggressive, or crude ways. This could be wildly shocking if it comes from a person who used to be a moral foundation for your family or friend group. Setting a boundary can help those with brain injury symptoms adjust to what you require in the relationship. More importantly, this will allow you to have a relationship in which you feel safe.


This is one of the most important questions you can ask. Brain damage results in a new world for the victims of it. Let them know you are someone they can call if they need assistance.

If you find yourself in a place where you need a little extra help, give us a call. We serve Brevard County and central Florida. TBI cases often involve negligent parties who have made decisions that lead to severe injury and loss of earning potential. For over 30 years, our traumatic brain injury lawyers have helped those suffering from serious injury. We understand the challenges they face and can often provide insight into what some good next steps might be for you and your loved one.

What are the Benefits of Filing a Lawsuit for My Brain Injury?

The benefit of filing a lawsuit for your brain injury is that the brain injury victim can receive compensation. Depending on the severity of your injury, you may need specialized treatment for the rest of your life. You’ll get your medical bills paid, your lost wages recovered, future lost wages paid, and any other damages covered.

In short, you’ll be set up for the future.

One of the most surprising things we find in the thousands of conversations we have every year is how little insurance wants to offer our clients. On average, we find that insurance undervalues claims by 2 to 100 times what we get for our client. It’s a broad spectrum, but it proves a point.

Most people don’t understand how badly insurance is setting them up for the future.

Victims of head injury often try to handle cases on their own. Insurance companies do a great job of telling us they are going to help us. But when it is time to put the money where their mouth is, they often come up far short.

How Can a TBI Lawyer Help?

Traumatic brain injury lawyers' great gifts aren’t in providing mass amounts of money for no cause. It is in guiding individuals through insurance law, getting their clients the best medical treatment, and making sure insurance pays what they owe. Even in the accidents that feel minor, there are long-term needs that could come up. You might have been injured in a crash and lost consciousness. You may have gotten a concussion and are now experiencing frequent headaches. These could be signs of long-term effects of the crash. A doctor can assess the severity of your injuries, and a lawyer can help you get the compensation you need to support your recovery.

Get compensated for what you need now and in the future. Give us a call at (321) 723-6591 to figure out if your case is something we can help with. We don’t charge to talk about brain injury lawsuits, and we don’t waste your time. Our team is ready to speak now.

If I've Suffered a Brain Injury (TBI), What Legal Claim Can I Bring?

When you suffer a head injury, you can bring forward a traumatic brain injury lawsuit to get compensation for any damages you’ve suffered. Damages can include medical bills, lost wages, future lost wages, and other items like pain and suffering.

These legal claims are dependent upon how the injury happened, who was responsible, and what type of insurance coverage they have. You can bring legal claims for a head injury suffered from a car accident, a slip and fall, or any other serious injury. A good TBI lawyer can hold the responsible party liable for their negligence and seek the fair compensation you deserve. For example, if you're in a motor vehicle accident caused by a commercial truck, the trucking company could be held liable for your injuries. A good legal professional will be able to assess the extent of your injuries and their impact on your ability to function. Medical care and rehabilitation can incur significant expenses, not to mention lasting disability and trauma. You need to be compensated for these damages.

If you’re interested in seeing what type of legal claim you can bring, give us a call for a free consultation. We won’t waste your time, and we never charge to discuss your brain injury claims.

Hire a Brain Injury Lawyer

Call a Brain Injury Lawyer in Melbourne FL

For over three decades, our firm has helped those who have suffered serious brain injuries throughout Melbourne, Florida, Brevard County, and Central Florida. Our traumatic brain injury lawyers are experts who have a record of successfully representing clients. This has allowed our firm to become a leading Brevard County personal injury law firm.

If you or a loved one has suffered serious brain injuries, call us today. Our team is available at all hours of the day and will act quickly to protect your rights. For an immediate consultation, call our phone number (321) 723-6591, email us at help@dougbeam.com, or fill out the simple form below.

Notable Cases

Brain Injury

A $28,500,000 verdict awarded in a brain injury case

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A $4,300,000 verdict awarded in a violent car crash case

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Truck Accident

A $4,000,000+ settlement in a life-altering trucking accident

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